This single class is 2 Sessions // $65 + FREE Omaha metro supply delivery OR + $8.50 for distance supply delivery // min students for class to run: 8 max: 12 // 2 Tuesdays: Oct. 27 & Nov. 3rd // 6:30-8:30p CST
REGISTRATION CLOSES: 10/21- Distance (non- Omaha/metro) 10/26- Omaha, NE Metro
All supplies delivered by on 10/26
Brush lettering is inherently more free, informal, and expressive than many lettering styles.
If you know me, though, I always like to begin class with rooting us in historical letterforms so our contemporary versions look even better! We start with pencil italic letterforms before moving on to brush work technique and tips. Students will work with a basic brush lettering exemplar and be given tips on how to vary and personalize their letterforms.
We'll be working with an array of watercolor paints so our letters will really have the possibility to shine!
Supplies are included in cost and will be delivered to your doorstep (either by me if you live in Omaha or by the USPS). No lettering or calligraphy experience required! Students with brush lettering experience will also benefit from this class under the guidance of an experienced teacher.
By registering for this class you’re giving your permission for this class to be recorded. This recorded class will ONLY be made available to registered students.
If registered students are unable to join our live classes, they are invited to watch our recorded class at their leisure. Recorded classes will be available to students via a shared Dropbox folder 2-3 days after live class. Because of class availability option, students unable to attend live will not be issued a refund.
A detailed message about how to log into Zoom and tips for having the best online class experience will be emailed to each student after registration.